Paku Alam IX Laid to Rest on Sunday, Home Affairs Minister Represents President

Paku Alam IX Laid to Rest on Sunday, Home Affairs Minister Represents President
Paku Alam IX. Foto: Jawa Pos

Kusumo Parasto which is also penghageng for cultural issue added that actually on Saturday noon, sentono sepuh (elders) and family members had discussed to appoint someone to take over the royal duties as the ruler of Pakualaman during Paku Alam sick. The oldest son of Paku Alam IX, KBPH Suryodilogo, was appointed to replace his father as adipati Pakualaman.

The late ruler was the son of KGPAA Paku Alam VIII with his queen, KBR Ayu Purnama ningrum. On May 26 1999, he was crowned as KGPAA Paku Alam IX succeeding his father. In 2003 Paku Alam was appointed as Deputy Governor of Yogyakarta assisting Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono X as a governor.  

Paku Alam IX was born as BRM Ambarkusumo on May 7 1938. His wife, Gusti Kanjeng Bendoro Raden Ayu Adipati Alam, died earlier in 2011. He has three sons, namely KBPH Suryodilogo, Bendoro Pangeran Hario (BPH) Wijoseno and BPH Danardono Wijoyo.

Paku Alam IX’s death brought sorrow in Ngayogjazz 2015 venue in Pandowoharjo village, Sleman. The event was opened with a moment of silence for the late ruler’s passing. “Everyone must be sad for his passing. His stature was considered as the traditions’ functionary in cultural context,” said Djaduk Ferianto, an artist from Yogyakarta.

Sorrow was also felt by the Head of Cultural Agency of Yogyakarta, Umar Priyono. In his opinion, Paku Alam stature was a leader who was able to look after his people. At his old age, Paku Alam IX did not hesitate to address first. Umar added, eventhough he was appointed as Deputy Governor administratively, he never neglected his royal duties as adipati Pakualaman. (riz/jko/pra/JPG/c9/ttg/apa/jpnn)



SLEMAN – Yogyakarta Deputy Governor, the monarch ruler of Pura Pakualaman , Paku Alam IX released his last breath on Saturday Novermber 21

Redaktur & Reporter : Tim Redaksi

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